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Monday, November 29, 2010

September 11, 2021 dawned bright and brilliant over the 48 contiguous states of America. Optimism was rampant as President Sarah Palin the first woman elected chief executive was in office in her first year. Just as she campaigned to restore a patriotic fervor to our land, the holiday formerly observed on the 1st monday in September (labor day) was changed to September 11th and renamed Patriots day to honor all the martyr's killed on that day 20 years before. The National economy was taking off unseen since the 1990's although the fair and balanced news network mistakenly said the 1980's.http:/http://maddowblog.msnbc.msn.com/_news/2010/11/23/5516897-chart-economic-growth-by-president/. People were moving back into America's cities for the second decade in a row although to do so meant you were in the top 5% of earners. American cities were booming and the suburbs were dying and why shouldn't they have been since fuel prices were averaging $10.00 a gallon. Moat building and ditch digging were the job growth areas ending technologies rein. We were in our 20th year of the war on terror and our 50th year in the war on drugs as reported by the fair and balanced Faux news agency. While many people questioned the insanity of these never ending wars and thought that perhaps more spending on education was in order they were always out opionated by the corporate think tanks that were experts on everything right for us. The jobs were plentiful in the cities of the day and suburbanites flocked there to work, because not to would've meant unemployment and certain starvation since any sort of social safety net had been ruled illegal by the Supreme Court 4 short years before.http:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Objectivism_(Ayn_Rand)//From their suburban ghetto's courtesy of their newly privitized minicipal bus company the long journey into the urban areas was made affordable as the corporations of the day relied on this supply of labor to keep their businesses booming. You see workers really had no choice as jobs were non-existent outside the walls of a metropolis. The middle class of the day always voted in elections be it state wide or nation wide to lower taxes and allow monopolies to exist stifiling out any type of competition in their neighborhoods. But what the people of the day didn't realize was that what the elected officials were doing was putting the responsibility of funding every day services such as schools,fire departments,police,onto the local goverments where write offs were non-existent. As a result of this these essential services could no longer function so the citizenry became the serfs of the 21st century. Some knowlegeable scholars in the out lying towns tried to change this by rallying people to register to vote. However this was a failed attempt as to be able to vote people needed 2 forms of identification and at least 2 valid credit cards with their balances up to date. This was an impossibility for over 90% of the populace, as student debt had exploded to unheard of proportions.

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