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Wednesday, August 6, 2008


Isn't it amazing how the free hand of the market takes care
of the most-vulnerable? Isn't it amazing how Private
Corporations look out for the taxpayer? Isn't it amazing
how our free press continually pushes for the corporate
control of our taxpayer services? Of course we're being a
little sarcastic in the amazing abilities of the free market
when it comes to taxpayer provided services. The sad truth
of the matter is that we're being hoodwinked by interests that
care of themselves and not of the public good. The biggest lie
that the American Public has ever been told are the virtues of
a Public Private Enterprise. Oh yea they're great if your the
private party (no risk) guaranteed money (through your taxes)
guaranteed profit (through your taxes) is the one involved.

However for the rest of us (the Taxpayers) our services will
continually be whittled away until the profit margin is all
that will remain of our endeavors. This is what the Politicians
of our transit agency (Dan Onorato)have in mind.

A public-private partnership sounds great in theory until the
facts are laid out in front of us. There is not one single
place in the U.S. where this model has worked for the benefit
of its citizenry. (Name one) The office of the County Executive
has continually used as an example the transit agency of Denver
Colorado. Upon further review the facts show what a failure it
has been for the people of the Mile High City.

Unreliable service, Higher costs to the electorate, more
congestion in the inner city and suburbs and no answers to the
traffic problem that befuddle commuters. On the other hand the
private service provider has become extremely wealthy thanks
to the taxpayers of Denver. We have to ask ourselves are we in
this together? Are we in this for Veolia? Are we in this for
our children? A sense of Community is as American as Apple Pie.
Let's reject this empowerment that our polls are imposing upon
us with their campaign contributions from outside sources who
wish to enrich themselves with OUR TAXES and show them we believe
in ourselves through an American Democracy that we the people
elect. The Alternative will undoubtedly be endless transit
cutbacks and ever growing profits for a Private Concern.

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